Exchange Your Separator


for sustainable and
efficient cement production

Sustainable / Finer cement production:
25% output increase at 20% energy savings,
due to separator exchange

During the next years the North American cement market will face challenges changing the production to sustainable, decarbonized Type 1L, 1P and 1T cements. As per the Climate Action Plan 2050, industries have to reduce the CO2 emissions by 30% until 2030. 

The production of such sustainable cement types is technically demanding and requires a much finer grinding of the contained clinker, consequently the adjustment of the process and equipment will become mandatory for many plants.

Christian Pfeiffer, the Germany based expert for efficient grinding and separation processes, announces a new solution to compensate for the natural production loss when targeting higher cement finesse and at the same time improve the energy efficiency of the entire Type 1L production process. With the exchange of the separator and diaphragm Christian Pfeiffer has seen production increases of up to 25%, enabling cement plants to reduce the clinker factor after the upgrade and at the same time gain additional production and save energy on the overall process.


  • Audit of the existing plant
  • Feasibility study, including budgets and guarantees
  • Preparation of firm proposals
  • Engineering and procurement of necessary plant equipment
  • Necessary assembly and construction work
  • Supervision and commissioning of the plant
  • 360° service support


Produce sustainable cement / finer cement with improved quality, while saving energy at the same time. To achieve this, slight modifications of your plant are sufficient. A separator in combination with the diaphragm-exchange can lead to significant production improvement within shortest project times. Christian Pfeiffer is your partner all along the value chain.

"Helping our customers to reach their climate goals is our highest aim. In the last years we have made repetitively the experience that adjustments in the process can lead to significant results. With a separator exchange we have enabled many plants worldwide to produce new, sustainable cement types while saving energy at the same time."

Francisco Canepa
Team lead Sales Force
Christian Pfeiffer


A specific case study revealed two challenges after the previous analysis of the production process. The high energy consumption of the ball mill, due to bigger recirculation quotes of the product, to reach the required fineness of the material at the one hand and problems to reach the required product quality in general. Both challenges could be solved with the separator and diaphragm exchange.

All performance indicators are positively impacted by the higher top cuts of up to 26.5 microns that are reached with the QDK-T 150 Z. The results are based on design improvements, executed after a CFD analysis made by Christian Pfeiffer. The new design reduces the bypass from 40% to 12%.

Christian Pfeiffer executed the project within 5 month due to the previous engineering phase, audits and feasibility studies, including budgets and guarantees. Furthermore, the separator was integrated in the existing building, which is usually possible.

Taking as a basis the production rate of 500.000 tpy at an energy price of 0,15 USD and an assumed product margin of 15 USD per tonne, the investment for the separator exchange amortizes in this specific case after approximately 5 months.

Our newest service

Mill inspection app

The Christian Pfeiffer Mill Inspection App helps users to ensure that the grinding plant 
is operating as energy-efficiently as possible.

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