Translation by Robin B.C. Baker
First published in Cement International 2/2018
Verlag Bau+Technik GmbH, Düsseldorf
In June 2015 Christian Pfeiffer Maschinenfabrik GmbH was awarded a contract by the Amreyah Cement Com-pany (AMCC) in Egypt to implement an EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) project comprising the design, planning, procurement, delivery, installation and commissioning of two coal grinding plants at its cement works close to Alexandria with its population of over a million. An implementation time of only about one year had been scheduled so that the first grinding plant could come into operation after thirteen months and the second one after fourteen months. At the centre of the EPC proj-ect was the erection of two ball mill grinding circuits oper-ating on the air-swept principle for supplying pulverized fuel to two of the three existing dry-process kiln lines. The process filters, silos, dosing systems ,two kiln burners and five calciner burners as well as pumps and blowers for pneumatic transport of the pulverized fuel were to be supplied and installed in addition to the two ball mills. All these installations were adapted for the use of solid primary fuels, namely coal and petcoke. The guaran-teed parameters, such as the pulverized fuel output, the fineness of the pulverized fuel produced and the specific power consumption, were verified and, without exception, surpassed in the 24-hour tests during the commission-ing. The safety measures that were implemented for this project were based on the ATEX standard. Pressure relief flaps for explosion protection were therefore installed in addition to O2 and CO analyzers and a central inertization system. Rapid implementation of the project was only made possible by close cooperation between Christian Pfeiffer and the AMC and by the inclusion of local compa-nies. At times Christian Pfeiffer had to supervise fourteen construction sites running at the same time on the site. At the request of the AMCC the installation of the burner equipment for firing pulverized fuel was confined to the scheduled maintenance stoppages of kiln lines 1 and 3.
1. Introduction
In June 2015 Christian Pfeiffer Maschinenfabrik GmbH from Beckum was awarded a contract by the Amreyah Ce-ment Company (AMCC) in Egypt to install two closed-cir-cuit ball mills for producing pulverized fuel, together with all the requisite auxiliary equipment, at its cement works (> Fig. 1) close to Alexandria with its population of over a million. The aim of this contract was to extend kiln lines 1 and 3, which had previously been fired entirely with heavy fuel oil, to include the variable use of liquid and solid fuels using coal and petcoke. > Fig. 2 is a three-dimensional representation of the three kiln lines in the cement works showing the connections to the closed-circuit ball mills.
As a member of InterCement the AMCC is one of the key companies in the Egyptian cement industry. With a total installed production capacity of about 5.5 million t/a the company currently has a 7.3 % share of the market in Egypt for the production of CEM I and CEM II cements. The two kiln lines 1 and 3 to be extended to include firing with solid primary fuels are designed for clinker outputs of 3500 and 4900 t/d. The ambitious implementation time of about one year was proposed for the complete project so that the clinker production could be changed over as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
2. Scope of the contract and description of the project
As the supplier of complete turnkey grinding plants Chris-tian Pfeiffer was commissioned by the AMCC for this EPC project with the design, planning, procurement, delivery, installation and commissioning of the two closed-circuit ball mills. This included the auxiliary equipment needed in connection with the engineering requirements and the installation. The site conditions and the specific require-ments for the machinery and equipment to be supplied had already been negotiated in advance with the AMCC. In addition to the high logistical and technical effort that is associated with the implementation of this type of project the change-over and commissioning of the new burner equipment and the calciners to be installed in kiln lines 1 and 3 had to be carried out entirely during the scheduled maintenance stoppages.
Implementation of the project therefore required not only precisely coordinated production and supply logistics but also the simultaneous supervision of up to fourteen con-struction sites on the site, including civil works, erection of the plants, the steel structures and the mechanical and electrical installations. In order to manage the large number of tasks that had to be realized simultaneously Christian Pfeiffer worked with a flexible project team that was not only very closely associated with the AMCC but also cooperated closely with five local building firms, a lo-gistics firm and number of smaller local suppliers. It was also necessary to control and supervise the production of parts and certain machine components both on site and at two main and seven secondary sites.
2.1 Overall scope of supply and services
The main part of the supply was the two ball mills from Christian Pfeiffer with dimensions of 3.4 m diameter x 6.75 m plus a drying compartment with a length of 3.0 m. One third of each grinding compartment was fitted with progressive lifter liner plates and two thirds with classi-fying liner plates to improve the grinding efficiency. They have a high wear resistance because of the materials used. These mills have traditional girth gear and pinion drives with motors with an installed output of 1200 kW each. The mill cylinder itself has plain bearings, which makes the use of a heavy mill end wall superfluous. > Fig. 3 shows the sectional view of a ball mill with inte-grated drying compartment.
As a member of InterCement the AMCC is one of the key companies in the Egyptian cement industry. With a total installed production capacity of about 5.5 million t/a the company currently has a 7.3 % share of the market in Egypt for the production of CEM I and CEM II cements. The two kiln lines 1 and 3 to be extended to include firing with solid primary fuels are designed for clinker outputs of 3500 and 4900 t/d. The ambitious implementation time of about one year was proposed for the complete project so that the clinker production could be changed over as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
Type code | ø mm | Länge mm | Leistung kW |
PSM-30x115 | 300 | 1.150 | 11 |
PSM-30x115 | 300 | 1.150 | 11 |
PSM-30x115 | 300 | 1.150 | 11 |
PSM-30x115 | 300 | 1.150 | 11 |
2.1PSM-30x115 | 300 | 1.150 | 11 |